Search results for "A kind of green and white stripped leaf used to wrap corn for steaming."

alik-ik n 1A kind of green and white stripped leaf used to wrap corn for steaming. Moon-ing ka alik-ik diò to kanami no mabatok di konò ogkagamit to igbaakì to agoloy. Ian dò ogkagamit ka alik-ik no mo-ilow. There are many kinds of varigated alik-ik plants in our place they are not used to make steamed bread from corn. The only kind that is used is the green alik-ik plant. [There are many kinds of leaves called alik-ik but not all of them are used for wrapping and steaming young corn. The leaf used for making a type of steamed corn bread is a green and white stripped leaf found in the forest. Other varigated varieties are considered to be pretty and are used as decorative plants. It is uncertain if these could be used in cooking.] 2Small grained rice.